Terms of Use
Welcome to our website. By using this site, you agree to be bound by the following terms of use. Before using the Site, please read these terms carefully.

1. Intellectual property:
- All intellectual property rights related to the content on the site are reserved and belong to the site owner or their respective licensors. No content may be copied, distributed, published or used without prior permission.

2. Responsible use:
- Users must use the Site in a responsible and lawful manner in accordance with relevant local and international laws.
- It is prohibited to use the site for activities that are illegal, defamatory, inflammatory, harmful, abusive, immoral, or violate the privacy of others.

3. Content used:
- Users bear full responsibility for the content they post on the site. Users must ensure that they have appropriate copyright or use rights to the content they share.
- It is prohibited to publish or share any content that violates the intellectual property rights of others, contains offensive or immoral content, or violates applicable laws.

4. Privacy and data protection:
- We are committed to protecting users' privacy and personal data in accordance with the site-based privacy policy.
- Users must not disclose personal or sensitive information to others without their prior consent.

5. Interaction and comments:
- Users are encouraged to interact positively, respectfully, and politely in comments and discussions on the site.
- It is prohibited to publish comments that contain racist, discriminatory, offensive, or degrading content.

6. Termination of access:
- The Site Owner reserves the right to terminate users' access to the Site in the event that they violate the Terms of Use or for any other reason at its sole discretion.

7. Changes and updates:
- The site owner reserves the right to modify the terms of use at any time and without prior notice. Users are advised to review the Terms periodically for new updates.

8. Applicable law:
- The use of the site and its terms of use are governed by applicable local and international laws.